Tile and Grout Cleaning in Round Rock, TX Helpful tips & tricks

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Tile and Grout Cleaning in Round Rock, TX: Helpful Tips & Tricks

Our tiles endure lot of your accidental spills over time and not to mention they have to battle the likes of dust and grime everyday. We at Peace Frog Carpet Cleaners, help you keep your tiles feeling fresh, clean and hygienic. Our tile and grout cleaning Round Rock, TX process uses heat and vacuum power to remove the dirt that home cleaning can’t. After cleaning your tiles, we proceed with a high pressured rinse and finally our technicians apply a penetrating sealant that protects your grout and tiles from mildew and staining for at least two years.

But if you are looking into cleaning your tiles on your own, here are a few tricks that might help:

Oxygen bleach can go a long way when it comes to cleaning those grout lines. According to the package directions, mix one cup of oxygen bleach with some warm water in a bucket and Pour this solution onto to the floor, so that all your grout stains are fully saturated. Line the perimeter of your floor, so as to avoid the liquid from spilling over other floor areas like your carpets. Keep adding a little of the cleaning solution onto the ground as the previous solution is soaked up.

Continue this for at least 30 minutes. Scrub the grout spots using a nylon bristled brush after 30 minutes have passed. Starting from one corner of the flooring, proceed to the other and keep working on one little area at a time. Keep pouring some of the solution while you are scrubbing the floor. Rinse the floor thoroughly after cleaning it and let it dry. Else you can also rent a steam machine and steam that dirt and grime away.

We hope that these tips help you, but in case they don’t, call us at (512) 259-6606 for immediate and professional help and we will resolve your tile and grout cleaning in Austin, TX.

Tile and Grout Cleaning in Round Rock, TX: Helpful Tips & Tricks