how to keep grout clean

How to Keep Grout Clean: Tips for Maintaining White Grout and Preventing Dirt Buildup

Grout can quickly become a problem area in kitchens and bathrooms. It’s porous, which means it easily absorbs dirt, stains, and moisture, leading to discoloration and mold growth over time.

White grout is particularly tricky because it shows stains more easily. Fortunately, with the right cleaning and maintenance habits, you can keep grout looking fresh and prevent it from getting dirty. If you opt for DIY cleanings over professional tile and grout cleaning, here’s what to do.

Why Does Grout Get Dirty So Easily?

Grout is made from a mixture of cement, sand, and water, which creates a porous surface. This porousness makes it highly susceptible to absorbing dirt, spills, and moisture. High-traffic areas, such as kitchens and bathrooms, are especially prone to grout discoloration due to frequent exposure to water, soap residue, and foot traffic.

Daily Habits to Keep Grout Clean

Maintaining clean grout starts with your daily habits. Here are a few simple practices that can make a big difference:

  1. Wipe Up Spills Immediately
    Whether it’s coffee, juice, or soap, wipe up spills on tiled surfaces right away. Letting spills sit on grout can lead to stains that are difficult to remove later.
  2. Use a Squeegee in the Shower
    After each shower, use a squeegee to remove excess water from the walls and floors. This prevents soap scum and mineral buildup, which can discolor grout over time.
  3. Dry the Area After Cleaning
    After wiping or scrubbing the tile and grout, always dry the area with a clean towel. Keeping the grout dry reduces the risk of mold and mildew growth.

how to keep white grout cleanWeekly Cleaning Tips for Grout Maintenance

In addition to daily habits, a weekly cleaning routine can help maintain the cleanliness of your grout. Here’s how to keep grout looking fresh on a weekly basis:

  1. Use a pH-Neutral Cleaner
    Avoid using harsh chemicals like bleach or acidic cleaners on grout, as these can break down the grout and cause discoloration. Instead, use a pH-neutral cleaner to gently remove dirt and grime without damaging the grout. Spray the cleaner onto the grout and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a soft brush.
  2. Scrub with a Soft Brush
    Use a soft-bristled brush to scrub the grout lines. Avoid using metal brushes or scouring pads, as they can scratch and damage the grout. Focus on areas that show signs of discoloration or buildup, and rinse with warm water after scrubbing.
  3. Baking Soda and Water Paste for White Grout
    For white grout, a baking soda paste can help brighten and lift stains. Mix baking soda with water to form a paste, apply it to the grout, and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Then, scrub with a brush and rinse with warm water. Baking soda is gentle but effective, making it a great option for maintaining white grout.

Monthly Grout Deep Cleaning

Once a month, it’s a good idea to give your grout a more thorough cleaning. This deep clean will tackle any stains or buildup that daily and weekly routines might miss.

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide for Stubborn Stains
    For tough stains, hydrogen peroxide can be a powerful tool. Apply it directly to stained areas, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub with a brush. Hydrogen peroxide helps break down stains without damaging the grout.
  2. Vinegar and Water for Disinfecting
    Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, and spray it on the grout. Let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub and rinse with warm water. This solution works well for disinfecting and removing light stains. However, avoid using vinegar on natural stone tiles, as it can damage the surface.
  3. Steam Cleaning for a Deep Clean
    If your grout still looks discolored, consider using a steam cleaner. The high-temperature steam penetrates grout pores, lifting dirt and killing bacteria. Steam cleaning is effective and chemical-free, making it a safe option for regular maintenance.

How to Keep White Grout Clean and Prevent Dirt Buildup

White grout can be especially challenging to maintain, but there are specific strategies to help it stay clean and bright:

  1. Apply a Grout Sealer
    A grout sealer adds a protective layer that prevents dirt, stains, and moisture from penetrating the grout. Sealing your grout once or twice a year can significantly extend its lifespan and keep it looking fresh. Use a penetrating grout sealer for the best results, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.
  2. Consider Grout Stain for White Grout
    If your white grout is discolored beyond cleaning, consider using a grout stain. This product can restore the grout to its original color or even change it to a new color. Grout stain also provides an added layer of protection against future stains.
  3. Reduce Humidity Levels
    Moisture is a major culprit in grout discoloration, especially in bathrooms. Using an exhaust fan, dehumidifier, or opening windows can help reduce humidity and prevent mold and mildew growth on white grout.
  4. Use Rugs and Mats
    Place rugs or mats in high-traffic areas to protect the grout from dirt and moisture. For example, using a bath mat in front of the shower or a rug near the kitchen sink can reduce wear and tear on the grout.


Keeping grout clean requires a combination of daily habits, weekly maintenance, and monthly deep cleaning. For white grout, additional steps like sealing and reducing moisture can help maintain its appearance.

With these tips, you can prevent dirt buildup and enjoy cleaner, fresher grout in your home. Taking the time to care for your grout not only improves the look of your space but also extends the life of your tiled surfaces.

A Peace Frog Specialty Cleaning, we offer tile cleaning in Round Rock, Texas and the surrounding neighborhoods throughout Austin. Contact us today to get your floors squeaky clean!